Herb and Wanda Taylor
Working with Baptist Church Planters, the Taylors seek to bring the gospel to the growing Hispanic community in the United States. Skyline Baptist Church is the sending church for the Taylors.
Ross and Carolyn Trumble
Roy and Karen Kinney
Planting the Grace Baptist Church in Parkes, Australia. The Trumbles are sent out by their home church, Evangel Baptist Church of Dale City, VA.
Serving with Baptist Church Planters in Auburn, Massachusetts. This family of seven is seeking to establish the Hampton Street Baptist Church in Auburn, Massachusetts.
Frontline Missions International
The focus of this mission is to primarily help and train national Pastors who are planting Baptist Churches in Eastern Europe.
Our Missionary Family
Roy & Karen Kinney
Millbury, Massachusetts
-A successful "Walking Tacos" Open House at our place with 33 in attendance.
-Mary Jane made it out to church and is progressing well.
-Nancy is home from hospital/rehab and is doing better.
-Vacation in Maine enjoying family and the coastline!
-Privilege of attending church with family in Maine and seeing how God is working through them in their ser- vice to the local church.
-The men in our church willing to preach and teach while we are away.
-Ladies' Bible Study started up with 8 ladies in attendance. They picked the Book of Philippians to study together.
-God's goodness to us and His provision for us as a church.
We leave again on Sunday after services to travel to NY. I (Karen) stay with Alyssa and family and Roy heads to Ohio for ChurchCare Meetings at BCP. We appreciate your prayers for continued safety on the roads, strength, good health, wisdom, and that we can be a blessing to others.